We only sell and ship to customers in the Republic of Ireland at this time.

Secure payment

How are payments made?

Your credit or debit card will automatically be charged by our financial service provider Stripe.

What type of Credit/Debit cards do we accept?

We accept the following cards:

  • Mastercard
  • Visa
  • Visa Debit

Are my credit/debit card details safe when I use your shop?

Your security and privacy are at the top of our agenda at Hibernia College. Our payment service provider Stripe is certified to PCI-DSS (
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard ) Service Provider Level 1 which is the most stringent level of security certification available for online financial transactions.

All communication between our shop and Stripe occurs over Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to provide a secure connection between your computer and the web server.

We also enforce Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) on all pages of our store to ensure that your connection to our shop is safe and secure.

If you have any further questions regarding payments/transaction please email us at shop@hiberniacollege.net.